Wow--what a decade.
I started this 10 year span in my life a single-college-sophomore with a perm. I end it a wife-and-mom-of-two with two tattoos.
Time flies when you're having fun!
On that note, boy, did I have fun today. Joshua came home from his "First Friends" class at the YMCA in a fairly good mood. (That is, after he got done crying from hitting his head on the car door. He quite often walks right into that thing...)
I had water boiling for Mac 'n' Cheese--our Friday favorite--and "Word World" was on PBS. (LOVE that cartoon.)
He ate "gock kees" and peas {toddler food}, while I ate various veggies with rice and chicken {mommy food}.
Feel good moment of the day: My son asked for seconds on peas. And ate them. Whoot Whoot!
I threw together some cornbread muffins for dinner tonight, and Joshua helped. Then he fell off the kitchen table bench (seriously kid--for real??) so we cuddled.
He'd check in every once in while, and we had a couple nice conversations. I chased him with the camera, got some cute shots of Becca, and thoroughly enjoyed hanging with my children.
My children. They teach me so many lessons. Here are just a couple:
Stop and smell the roses. Even the dried ones hanging in the kitchen.
Pants are unnecessary. Joshua is often without them when we are home alone. Much to his father's chagrin.
Zoos are the best. BIG zoos are even better.
Yellow is the best--and only--color. According to Joshua.
{Giggling is the most fun thing. Giggling while chewing on plastic rings and sitting in a Bumbo. It's important to giggle.}
They will copy you. Every little thing, they do. So make sure to play. And be silly. And be imperfect--and be okay with it.
"Cheeeeeese Mama!"
Then he turns the fake camera around and says, "Wook Mama! Cuuuute!"
Cookies should be savored. Slowly. With lots of little bites.
{Bottles are yucky. ~Becca}
Milk is yummy.
{Becca agrees with this.}
Mornings are awesome, rhinos are the best, Spiderman bubble bath in the cool Spidy bottle is meant to be carried around and slept with, but not actually used in the tub, airplanes are wonderful playgrounds ... and most of all:
Motherhood is amazing. That is what my children teach me, day in and day out. Through the giggles and the tears, the tantrums and the discoveries. The doctor's appointments and diaper changes; the sleepless nights and power struggles. Through it all, motherhood is amazing. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Single-sophomore-with-a-perm ME didn't know how good life could get.
Here's to turning 30!